
Vijaydurg, the oldest fort on the Sindhudurg coast, was constructed during the regime of Raja Bhoja II of the Shilahar dynasty (construction period 1193-1205). The fort was earlier known as "Gheria", as it is situated close to the village of "Girye". Shivaji captured this fort from Adil Shah of Bijapur in 1653 and renamed it as "Vijay Durg" as the then Hindu solar year's name was "Vijay" (Victory).Vijaydurg fort was constructed by Shilahaar King Bhoj  in 1195 to 1205. It was ruled by various Hindu kings like Yaadav and Vijaynagar till 1431, when it was captured by Bahmani Sultans .
    Shivaji Maharaj captured this fort in 1653 from Adilshah  rule and renamed the fort.Vijaydurg Chatrapati Shri. Earlier, the fort encompassed an area of 5 acres (1 acre = 4840 square yards or 4047 square metres) and was surrounded by sea on all four sides. Over the years the eastern trench was reclaimed and a road constructed thereon. Presently the area of fort is about 17 acres and is surrounded by the Arabian Sea on three sides. Shivaji extended the area of the fort by constructing three walls on the eastern side, each 36 metres high. He also constructed 20 bastions... Fort was ruled by Peshwa  rulers till
1818. It has played host to many famous Maratha admirals like Kanhoji Angre , Tulaji
Aangre, Sambhaji Aangre, Ananadrao Dhulap.

According to legend, this is one of only two Maratha forts where Shivaji personally hoisted the saffron flag. The other fort is "Torana".Vijaydurg Fort was called the "Eastern Gibraltar", as it was virtually impregnable. Its locational advantages include the 40 km long Waghotan/Kharepatan creek. Large vessels cannot enter the shallow water of this creek. 1.5 km from the fort up the Waghotan Creek, exist the remains of a naval dock carved from rock. This is where Maratha warships were built and repaired. The ships built here were of the 400-500 tonnage capacity. This 109*70 mt dock faces the north side and is an achievement of Maratha naval architecture. Maratha warships could be anchored in this creek and yet remain invisible from the sea. It is a protected monumental.
Vijaydurga is a strong fort. It has three layers of shielding wall. Well guarded with bastions and shielding walls from seaside and from ground. It is situated at the opening of river Waghotan. The fort area is huge surrounded by sea from three sides. It has a police chauki in it. An old discussion room, a few soldiers’ quarters, Darukothar (gun powder storage room), remains of huge old constructions. On the west side of the forte there is a place called “Sahebachakatta” and a huge water tank, it is near this place a French scientist found out Helium gas. There is a track and wheal (Chunyacha Ghana) near the shielding wall. Along the beach there is a well-constructed J.T. of the port. In the entire fort is in well condition and worth visiting.

Two miles from the fort, on the same side of the river, is an old dock, hollowed out of the rock by Angre, 355 feet long and 227 in the broadest part, and said to have been able to hold vessels of 500 tons.  Though nearly chocked with mud the stone face and entrance may still be seen. There was also a small building yard and a mast house. [In 1819, the bottom of the dock, sloping gently upwards from the entrance, was thick with mud and sand. The gateway, 23 feet broad below and 37 above, stood open without gates. Of the walls parts on the south and east were cut in the rock; the rest was of masonry in good repair. From the south-east corner ran a stone-built water channel.  On the creek two miles below the dock is a strong well built Martello tower called the Mitatya Buruj A little way from the fort, on the Vaghotan road, is the temple of Rameshvar, probably 100 years old, built by Gangadhar Bhanu a brother of Nana Fadnis (1720-1800). An ordinary temple with a large rest-house lying deep in a glen, its chief interest is the approach about 250 yards long, cut through rock fifty feet deep. The idol, a four-armed figure seated on a bull, is of solid silver said to weigh a hundredweight and is in good condition at present.

Discovery of the gas Helium :
vijaydurg fort is also well known for its contribution in discovering the gas Helium .
Sir Norman Lockyer, was an English scientist and astronomer along with the French scientist Pierre Janssen is credited for the contribution. Lockyer also is remembered for being the founder and first editor of the influential journal Nature .
 Gibraltar of Konkan  -. Vijaydurg has been described as "Gibraltar of Konkan" in Portuguese documents. Unlike Sindhudurg fort, Vijaydurg is  completely built in Jambha Stone  which is local to Konkan and red in color.
Mahadarwaja - Main gate Main gate of Vijaydurg can be reached after we enter the fort from eastern gate. a huge bastion built in red rock called as Sadhashiv Buruj impresses you as you enter. Mahadarwaja is a huge gate hidden in the walls. You can observe the age old wood with iron nails put to prevent the door from elephant push.
Canon Balls
cannon balls On the way lies a Hanuman Mandir and in front ofthe main gate lies Police station of Vijaydurg.Observe the entrance of the police station. Those are not stones. They are cannon balls made up of pure iron. They used to be filled with Daaru. The Daaru Kothar  for this lies just beside the Mahadarwaja.
KhalbatKhana - Place for secret discussions. Currently bats are rattling here. A really peaceful and dark place to visit. This lies just beside the police station.
Sadar / Office -their two story building called as sadar or office of the fort. behind the office lies Ashwa-shala  forHorses.
Secret Passageway( bhuyar )- The bhuyar connects normal fortification of the fort to the outermost fortification. it takes you out of the Chilkhat to Govind Buruj . It can be seen that the small exit and entrance helps to blocks the way easily using hug rocks. In case the outer fortification is conquered by enemy, inner one can be easily fought. The construction is strong and stands well in place.
 Seceret exit- next to the bhuyar lies one more passage way but this takes you directly out of the
 fort. Take a boat from here and escape. This secret exit way is about 3 feet tall and hidden behind a huge rock from outside.
Nar buruj -Come back to the main gate and take left. Get on the the fort wall and you will reach flag bastion. Next to flag bastion is Nar buruj -the tallest bastion of the fort with two story structure yet in place. There are many other mighty bastions that can hold cannons like Ganesh Buruj , Hanumant Buruj etc.
Square Tank - Now get down formt he wall and walk past the Ashwashala towards the other end of the
fort. you will soon start seeing the mighty fortification of the fort and then reach a square shaped deep
water tank. The structure is really impressive with steps carved till the base of the tank. to the right side
of the tank there11. Fortification - You are currently inside the inner fortification. Get out of there and get onto the outer most fortification to see the beauty of the deep ocean and Vijaydurg beach

 Undersea/underland tunnel  According to unconfirmed reports, there is a 200m long, undersea/underland tunnel from the fort to the palatial Dhulap house in the village. Supposedly, the roof of the tunnel has been pinched to protect it from landslides and it is also well ventilated. Now the tunnel is partially blocked. If the presence of the tunnel can be confirmed, and the tunnel cleared, it could serve as a tourist attraction of historical and architectural interest.
Undersea wall Recent oceanographic evidence supports the existence of an undersea wall, constructed out at sea at a depth of 8–10 m depth undersea. Made of laterite, the wall is estimated to be 122 mtrs long, 3 mtrs high & 7 mtrs broad. Attacking ships often met a watery grave after colliding against this wall.

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How to reach

By Road :-

There are various buses that are available from major cities like Mumbai, Rajapur,devgad etc. to Vijaydurg. Depending on the type of bus you choose state transport , deluxe, luxury, air-conditioned, non air-conditioned the fare will vary. On an average, the cost will come to around Rs. 400 from Mumbai, and close to Rs. 300 from Goa

By Rail :-

 Kankavli which is about 80kms from Vijaydurg is the nearest railway station.
Another Nearest Railway Station is Rajapur & Kudal on the Konkan Railway line. Regular trains ply here everyday from most of the cities and towns within and outside Maharahstra. The fare is economical, averaging close to Rs. 350.

By Air:-

Nearst Airport is panji At goa or kolhapur.The Panaji Airport in Goa is the one of the closest airport to Vijaydurg. It is at a distance of 180 km from the main town. Trains and buses can be employed to reach the town from there.
